Netsh Winsock Reset

This article will show you how to run the ‘netsh winsock reset’ command on your Windows computer. This command is a simple troubleshooting step that can fix many common problems with your internet connection, including browsing or gaming issues. In particular, if you see Error Code 10107, there’s a good chance that the below steps to fix your issue.

This command will reset Winsock (Windows sockets).

Running ‘Netsh Winsock Reset’ on Windows 10

Open a command prompt by clicking Start and typing ‘cmd’ into the Search Programs and files box.

Type in the following command: ‘netsh winsock reset’ and press enter

You should see the following message: ‘Successfully reset the Winsock Catalog. You must restart the computer in order to complete the reset.’

Restart the computer and check if your issue has been resolved.

Running ‘Netsh Winsock Reset’ on Windows 8

Open a command prompt by clicking Start and typing ‘cmd’ into the Search Programs and files box.

Type in the following command: ‘netsh winsock reset’ and press enter

You should see the following message: ‘Successfully reset the Winsock Catalog. You must restart the computer in order to complete the reset.’

Restart the computer and check if your issue has been resolved.

Running ‘Netsh Winsock Reset’ on Windows 7 (and Vista)

Open a command prompt by clicking Start and typing ‘cmd’ into the Search Programs and files box.

Type in the following command: ‘netsh winsock reset’ and press enter

You should see the following message: ‘Successfully reset the Winsock Catalog. You must restart the computer in order to complete the reset.’

Restart the computer and check if your issue has been resolved.

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