If you’ve ever spent any amount of time on the internet, you know that you have to be cautious. Clicking on that email tempting you with a free gift card, going to a website that...
Category - Tutorials
What is DHCP Lease Time & What Should I Set it To?
If you’ve ever set up a router at your home or business, one of the settings you may have noticed is DHCP lease time. Unless you’re an experience IT professional, it’s...
Change Network Security Key
It is a good idea to change your network security key every once in a while. You should treat it just like a password. Just so we’re on the same page: your network security key is the...
Best Wireless Router for PlayStation 4
Video game consoles have become more advanced than ever in recent years. Not only have game options expanded and graphics improved to become more realistic, but modern day consoles such as...