DHCP Client List

If you work in an office with multiple computers and users or even if you have your own home network, you probably already know a little bit about the different settings and steps needed to get your computers and other devices on the internet. When multiple devices are connected, you may need to know who is connected to your network. You can do that by accessing your DHCP client list.

What Is DHCP?
DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. This protocol allows IP addresses to be automatically assigned when a device connects to the internet. Dynamic IP addresses are assigned without the need for manual configuration.

What Is a DHCP Client List?
When DHCP is enabled, multiple computers and other devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and wireless printers will be assigned IP addresses. Sometimes, you may need to know the IP address of a particular device or you may need to track who is connecting to your network. In either of these cases, you can access the DHCP Client List for this data.

This client list is simply a list of the devices and IP numbers that are assigned through the server or router. This list contains all devices that are connected to the network through wired or wireless connections. If DHCP is not enabled, you will not have access to this list. Devices that are not connected through the network also will not appear on the list.

Accessing Your DHCP Client List
Though instructions may vary slightly by router manufacturer, generally the instructions are the same for accessing your DHCP Client List. To begin, enter your IP address into your browser’s search bar. This will take you to your router settings, where you’ll be able to enable or disable DHCP, change other settings, and view your DHCP Client List.

The next steps may vary slightly depending on the type of router you have, but most routers will have a Network Setup section. Access this section to make sure DHCP has been enabled. You may be able to access your list through this menu, although you may have to navigate to another section, such as Local Networks. Remember, if you get lost or confused, you can check out your router’s user manual or visit the manufacturer’s website.

You should see an option within the router settings called, “DHCP Client Table.” Click this option to view the table, also known as your Client List. Usually, there are several settings for this table. These include a refresh mode to provide you with an updated list, a delete option, and a sort mode for sorting through your list. Again, these options vary by manufacturer, so your options may be slightly different.

Once you’ve reviewed your list, make sure to save any changes and close your router settings.



