Beamforming Wifi

The internet has revolutionized the way that we handle tasks at work or at home. Whether it’s working on a network in your cubicle, connecting with friends and family, emailing and communicating with colleagues, or doing research, the internet has truly changed the way that we live and work. Wireless internet service has also allowed us to move beyond our offices and access the internet from our phones, laptops and other portable devices.

However, while wireless internet is designed to make our lives more convenient, there are some instances where it can actually be an inconvenience. Dealing with slow internet service and dropped connections can be a real pain, especially when you’re in the middle of an important project, online video call, or other important task. You pay for high-quality internet service, you should be able to take full advantage of it, right? That may not always be the case.

However, beamforming could be a solution to unreliable, slow connections. This technology is easy to integrate into any wireless network and can provide outstanding performance beyond just the typical modem and router setup.

What Is Beamforming?
Beamforming is a type of radio technology that is used to enhance the performance, speed, and reliability of wireless internet service. Your home or business router is used to distribute the wireless signal that is used to connect your laptop, smartphone, tablet, or other device to the internet. The typical wireless router broadcasts a signal in all directions. This means that the signal is being distributed all throughout a specific range (which varies by router) without any regards to where the connected devices are actually located. This can lead to slower internet service, dropped connections, and unreliable performance.

Beamforming is different in that the signals are distributed, or beamed, directly to the connected devices. The technology locates the laptop, smartphone, or other device and sends the wireless signal directly to it. If multiple devices are connected, the signal is split to identify and target each device.

Why Use Beamforming?
So why should a person consider using beamforming Wi-Fi for their home or office network? There are several key benefits. These include extended Wi-Fi range, improved bandwidth utilization, fewer dead spots, better throughput, a more stable connection, and reduces RF interference. In short? You’ll gain greater performance and reliability through your wireless network.

What Do I Need for Beamforming?
You don’t need anything special or extraordinary to utilize beamforming Wi-Fi. In fact, all you need is a router. However, you have to have the right router to use this technology. Most high-end 802.11ac Wi-Fi routers use this technology. When purchasing a new router, make sure that this is listed in the features and specifications. As beamforming becomes more popular and common, it will likely begin to show up in lower-end routers. However, despite the potentially higher cost of replacing your router, having faster, more reliable service can easily pay for itself in no time.

Final Thoughts
You’ve paid for your internet service, you’ve installed all of your equipment, but you don’t feel as though you’re getting your money’s worth. Upgrading your router so that you can use beamforming technology is a quick and simple way to get the best performance out of your internet.

Do you have any questions about beamforming? Do you have any recommendations for equipment or getting set up with this new technology? Comment below, and let us know your thoughts!


Beamforming wifi is a technology that has been around for a few years now, but it’s only recently become more widely available and popular. It’s a great way to improve the performance of your home or office wifi network, and it’s something that everyone should consider if they want to get the most out of their wifi connection.

So what is beamforming wifi? In short, it’s a way of directing the signal from your router to the devices that need it most. Instead of broadcasting the signal in all directions, beamforming wifi focuses the signal in the direction of the device that needs it. This means that the signal is stronger and more reliable, and it also reduces interference from